• Get pre-approved online right now
  • Pay your debt faster with reduced interest
  • Receive funds in days, not weeks
  • Stay in control of your debt once & for all

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Fast, Hassle-Free Debt Consolidation

The purpose of debt consolidation is to replace your multiple repayments to credit cards, store cards, loans and overdrafts with a single affordable monthly repayment.

People consolidate their debt for convenience and, most importantly, financial benefit. If debt consolidation doesn't deliver a financial benefit, it's not worth doing.

We advise you not to consolidate your debts without a thorough examination of your situation and to find out if it will really help you. You should also be wary of adverts promising "best debt consolidation" as a magic wand to solve all your debt worries.

Bad Credit is Not a Problem

If you you have a bad credit rating, you might think you can't consolidate your debt.

Don't be disappointed - we specialise in debt consolidation for people with bad credit and will be able to assist you.

What Are Your Options?

We can offer you various debt consolidation options from low rate debt consolidation loans to informal and formal debt agreements.

You can be assured that after dealing with people in financial hardship on a daily basis for years, we know exactly how to assist you in the most efficient way.

In some cases we will be able to negotiate with your creditors to write off up to 80% of your debt. Together we will calculate exactly the amount you should borrow, so you could pay your debt off fast.

Don't Wait Till It's Too Late

If you are suffering from financial stress, don't wait any longer - get help now!

Call us on 1300 496 224 now or simply fill in the form at the top and one of our consultants will contact you at a convenient time.