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  • Pay your debt faster with reduced interest
  • Receive funds in days, not weeks
  • Stay in control of your debt once & for all

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Debt Consolidation
for People with Bad Credit Rating

A bad credit rating can have a negative impact on many aspects of your life.

Unfortunately, our credit rating isn't usually something we think about until it goes bad and by then it's usually too late.

Many people with a bad credit file look for a quick fix because they are in desperate need of a loan.

The bad news is, there is no quick fix for a bad credit rating. The only thing you can do is ensure you pay your bills on time and avoid credit applications to improve your rating over time.

The good news is, even though you have a bad credit rating, help is available.

You can get stress relief, regain your peace of mind and stop being afraid of "silent number" phone calls, but you need to start acting, not just thinking.

We Specialise in Loans for People with Bad Credit Ratings

If you have a bad credit rating and are in need of a loan, don't be disappointed - we work closely with a number of lenders who specialise in lending to people with bad credit ratings and will be able to assist you.

Don't Wait Till It's Too Late

You have already made the right move and started looking for a solution to your financial problems. Don't stop here...

Call us on 1300 496 224 now or simply fill in the form at the top and one of our consultants will contact you at a convenient time.

There is no obligation. We will assess your situation, offer the best solution how to pay off your debt and then the decision is yours.